pulse - the newsletter of attoworld vol. 2
he latest issue of our newsletter "pulse" has been published. We have compiled many exciting topics from the attoworld family for you. Printed copies are available at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Am Coulombwall 1, and also at the Campus Großhadern at the L4L team. We hope you enjoy reading it! The online version of the second issue of our attoworld newsletter can be found here for Download.
We have all come up against them – the challenges that test us to the limit – where success seems highly unlikely, if not wholly
unattainable. But instead of throwing in the towel in such situations, it’s a good idea to step back and take stock. For centuries, humanity’s desire to know has proven again and again that what at first seemed impossible is in fact feasible. The essence of science is its ability to find ways of extending the limits of the possible.
A willingness to set ambitious goals, explore unorthodox ideas and ignore conventions can serve as a powerful motivator. It can open up unexpected routes to new insights, even when the final outcome remains in doubt. The history of the Natural Scien- ces has repeatedly demonstrated that obstacles can be overcome, provided one has the required tenacity and open mindedness.
Whether one regards a given task as ‘impossible’ or ‘perhaps feasible’ is often a matter of imagination. If one opts for the latter alternative, it helps to think
outside the box, question accepted models, recon- sider the fundamentals and seek unconventional solutions that no one else has hit upon.
We take pride in the fact that, as members of the attoworld team, we have the opportunity to probe the limits of the possible. How can we control the behaviour of light with even greater precision? How far can we push the limits of ultrashort-pulse spectroscopy in practice? What sorts of applications might such advances make possible – which may now seem illusory, but might well have a significant impact on our future? In their contribution to this issue of pulse, Ioachim Pupeza, Alexander Weigel and Kafai Mak provide insights into their work at the forefront of laser physics.
In this spirit, we urge you to nurture your sense of wonder and thirst for knowledge. Have the daring to make a difference in your quest to discover what lies beyond the current frontiers of laser physics, and help to shape our common future.