Nobel Prize awarded to Ferenc Krausz
Physicist from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and LMU is awarded the highest scientific prize for his achievements in attosecond physics.
erenc Krausz received the Nobel Prize in Physics from Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf on Sunday afternoon. The scientist was honored at the Stockholm Concert Hall together with his co-laureates in physics, Pierre Agostini and Anne L'Huillier. The attosecond physics they developed "enables us to answer fundamental questions", it was said at the presentation of the physics laureates.
König Carl XVI. Gustaf überreicht am 10. Dezember 2023 in Stockholm den Nobelpreis für Physik an Ferenc Krausz.
The festive ceremony with around 1500 invited guests was opened with the entry of the royal family - King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia as well as Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel - and the Swedish royal song "Kungssången". In her opening speech, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Chairwoman of the Nobel Foundation, recalled the conviction of prize founder Alfred Nobel, who "believed in the unique power of science, literature and peace initiatives to change the world for the good of mankind". The Photonworld-team is proud and congratulates Ferenc from the bottom of its heart!
You can follow the entire award ceremony here.
2023 Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony (youtube.com)
The previous Friday, Ferenc Krausz had given his Nobel Lecture in the Aula Magna of Stockholm University. In it, he described the development and research of attosecond physics from his perspective and gave an outlook on the areas of application in the field of preventive healthcare, which has been ongoing for several years in cooperation with the Center for Molecular Fingerprinting in Garching and Budapest.
The Nobel Lecture by Ferenc Krausz is available under the following link. His speech starts at 1:19:00.