The new “PULSE” is available!
The 5th issue of Attoworld magazine is now also available online!
hat do you think? Is this text my own work or was artificial intelligence used? It’s hard to say. I have asked myself this question in many of the articles I have read recently. But rarely have I found a clear answer. The fact is that the advance of artificial intelligence in every area of our lives is unstoppable. Be it in journalism, art, or science. Teachers, educators, and university lecturers are faced with the dilemma of recognizing AI in examinations and submitted work and evaluating it accordingly. Especially in work that claims to have generated new knowledge, this can be a challenging search for clues.
AI has become part of the A t t o w o r l d-team’s toolkit as well. For Kosmas Kepesidis and his data science team, AI is a daily essential, and it has also proven useful for the team led by Andreas Döpp at CALA. In the years to come, AI will certainly transform our world, and only time will reveal the extent to which it enriches our lives. But what AI can’t do — at least at the moment — is stand in the lab, experiment, try things out, and get creative. It’s not just the researchers in the A t t o w o r l d-team who are way ahead of artificial intelligence. And that’s a good thing! Because this is the only way to generate new knowledge about the nature of things. Through people who are passionate about discovery and for whom science is an adventure. No AI in the world can conjure new scientific findings out of a hat. It can only help to structure and categorize them. And so the public outreach team at A t t o w o r l d is delighted to present you, dear colleagues, and hopefully many other people interested in laser physics, the new issue of our pulse magazine. AI has also found its way into this issue in many ways. However, the focus is on the meticulous research work carried out by the A t t o w o r l d-team over the past year and the exciting findings that have been gathered in the process — with and without AI.
The online-version can be found here for Download